Proud to be a CDL

February 2015 CDL

Using a Certified Dental Lab (CDL) gives you and your patients peace of mind that their restorations are made in the USA, at a safe and certified facility.

Laboratory certification is a voluntary process through The National Board for Certification in Dental Laboratory Technology. This designation requires stringent infection control and case management standards with a Certified Dental Technician overseeing each specialty in the laboratory.

Laboratories who have taken the extra steps to become certified represent the top of their field. CDLs have documented not only compliance with peer-defined standards, but also a desire to stay in the forefront of the industry.

Dental Prosthetic Services is proud to be a CDL

As a CDL, we are always monitoring and attempting to improve the quality and efficiency of our services and facilities. When you partner with us, you can expect outstanding customer service, technical support, and restorations that meet our high quality standards.

Learn more about Certified Dental Labs

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